Nature Connection


What is Nature Connectedness?

Nature connection or nature connectedness are terms used to describe the relationship we have with the rest of the natural world. This concept is more than just being exposed to nature; it is a validated, measurable psychological construct which describes how people interact with their environment through thoughts, feelings, and interactions with nature. In a world where connection to your surroundings can be lost to busy schedules, the latest trends, corporations, and an increased use of technology, people are losing their connection to nature, leaving them feeling disconnected and reducing lack of agency when it comes to doing their bit for the environment.


Nature connection challenges the idea that humans and nature are separate. It has been shown that people who are more connected to nature will have a greater sense of wellbeing and show more pro-environmental and pro-conservation behaviours, viewing themselves as part of the wider ecological system, rather than separate from it. Evidence from Natural England shows that individuals from diverse backgrounds and those who experience poverty spend less time in nature. With the West Midlands region being the second most ethically diverse in the UK and with Telford and Wrekin among the most deprived areas nationally, this is the perfect area to make a real change in connecting people to nature.

UpRising's alumni focus group members said "young people in Birmingham feel out of touch with nature and don't have an understanding of the consequences of their actions".  78% of 227 young people surveyed by SWT said they would like to do more to tackle climate change, but only 18% are currently campaigning about it.

As aspiring young environmental leaders, you will have the opportunity to inspire and engage others in your community to develop a deeper connection with nature, empowering yourself and others to make a real, tangible difference in creating a more sustainable future.

“Being a part of the group makes me feel so hopeful about the future and like I am less alone in the chaos” - Ellie, SWT Green Influencers Project, 2023 participant.

How can I get connected to nature?!

There are 5 pathways to nature connectedness - why don't you try some of the ideas suggested below?

  • Senses - Ignite your curiosity by connecting with all your senses. Maybe try foraging for a picnic!

  • Emotions - Notice and appreciate your personal bond with nature, how does it make you feel?

  • Beauty - Take the time to just look and appreciate nature as it is. You could connect through art or music, the options are endless!

  • Meaning - Have a look at the cycles and signs of nature, what does this resonate with you? How is human life reflected in nature?

  • Compassion - Spend time and connect to nature by doing something to care for it: pick up litter, feed the birds or plant some trees.

Getting yourself and your community involved and connected to nature through these pathways will help form a real deep connection with nature and lead to inspiration to take charge making a meaningful and measurable difference to the environment.

During this programme, alongside and with the support of other enthusiastic individuals, you will be encouraged to actively enjoy nature and improve your connectedness to it throughout the development of your Nature Connection Campaign, doing something positive for you, your community and the environment, and creating a knock-on effect for future generations!

You can read more about nature connection from the University of Derby (here).

What Is a Nature Connection Campaign?

During this programme you will learn more about nature connectedness and why it is so important in a changing world, what barriers you might face and also some ways to measure connection to nature. These will all help you build your very own nature connection campaign in your area along with other participants.

The ultimate aim of a nature connection campaign is to inspire individuals to develop a deeper appreciation, understanding, and sense of responsibility towards the natural world, leading to positive behavioral changes and a greater commitment to environmental conservation.

A great nature connection campaign will be developed alongside and with the community in mind. It will be centred around an issue that means something to you and your community. It will hopefully attract the support of other organistations and create a bond between you, your community and nature, hopefully prompting a lasting change in behaviour!

However you want to connect to nature is up to you! With the support from your peers and our team, you will have the freedom to develop a campaign that interests you personally and be able to share this with your community, making a real impact.

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